From an Adlerian perspective, individuals are best understood by looking at their future strivings. How are your goals influencing what you are doing now? How do you think your past has influenced your future goals? In what ways can you apply this purposive, goal-oriented approach in your work as a therapist?

Self-Reflection and Discussion Questions
1. What are some of your earliest memories? Identify one specific early
memory and reflect on the significance this early recollection has for
you. What value do you see in the Adlerian technique of having indi-
viduals recall their earliest memories?

2. Adlerians contend that each of us has a unique lifestyle, or personality,
that starts to develop in early childhood to compensate for and over-
come some perceived inferiority. How does this key concept apply to
you? In what ways have you felt inferior in the past, and how have you
dealt with it? Do you see any potential connection between your strug-
gle with basic inferiority and your accomplishments?
3. From an Adlerian perspective, individuals are best understood by
looking at their future strivings. How are your goals influencing what
you are doing now? How do you think your past has influenced your
future goals? In what ways can you apply this purposive, goal-oriented
approach in your work as a therapist?
4. Adlerians emphasize the family constellation. Reflect on what it was
like for you to grow up in your family. How would you characterize
your relationship with each of your siblings? What did you learn about
yourself and others through your early family experiences?
5. Social interest is a central concept in the Adlerian approach. What value
do you place on social interest in your own life? In what ways do you
think you could assist your clients in developing their social interest?