What is one topic area that has the potential to trigger counter transference for you? How can you identify your counter transference reactions? How can you best manage your counter transference as a therapist?

1. What are a few key concepts of the relational psychoanalytic approach that you would be most likely integrate into your counseling practice?
2. Psychoanalytic therapists pay particular attention to early childhood experiences and the past as crucial determinants of present behavior. What are your thoughts about this emphasis? How does this concept apply to your life?
3. Transference can allow clients to explore the parallels between their past and present experience and to acquire a new understanding of their dynamics. What value would you place on exploring transference with a client?
4. What are some aspects of the psychoanalytic approach that you think could be applied to brief therapy or time-limited therapy?
5. What is one topic area that has the potential to trigger counter transference for you? How can you identify your counter transference reactions?
How can you best manage your counter transference as a therapist?