Use FoilSim to investigate how an aircraft wing produces lift and drag by changing the values of different factors that affect lift and drag.

Laboratory Instruction Sheet:
In this experiment, you will learn how the wings of an aircraft work by studying the different factors that affect lift and drag. You will use an interactive software from NASA (Foilsim) to collect the relevant data into an excel sheet where you can analyse the data and report your findings. Based on your assignment brief, answer the following questions before starting to write your report:

You will use the airfoil design tool FoilSim to study the aerodynamics for the flow over three geometric shapes at different flow Reynolds number (Re). You are required to carry out the following:
– Use FoilSim to investigate how an aircraft wing produces lift and drag by changing the values of different factors that affect lift and drag.
– Study how the lift and drag varies with a change in angle of attack for a flat plate, symmetrical airfoil and asymmetrical airfoil when Re is below 50’000 and compare it to higher Re.
– Submit a [1100 word] report of the findings showing the lift-drag ratio and the drag polar (Cl vs Cd) for each shape and comment on the findings.