The volumes of two similar solids are in the ratio 8:27. The ratio of their surface areas is:

Circle the letter beside the correct answer.
1. The volumes of two similar solids are in the ratio 8:27. The ratio of their surface areas is:

A. 2 : 3



D. 4 : 9


2. In the given triangles the length of XZ is 50% greater than AC. The ratio of the areas is:

A. 4 : 25

B. 9 : 4

C. 16 : 9

D. 81 : 16

E. 7 : 5



: 813

Further Mathematics Unit 4 Page 7 Week 2 SEND Work
3. An inverted right circular cone of capacity 1000 cm3 is filled with water to half of its depth. The
volume of water (in cm3 ) is:

A. 125

B. 500

C. 250

D. 300

E. 400

4. The perimeter of the figure shown in centimetres is:

A. 34

B. 24 + 5 π

C. 24 + 2.5π

D. 29 + 5π

E. 29 + 2.5π

5. The formula for the total surface area for the object shown is:

A. ½ abh

B. 2 × ½ bh + ab + 2 × ah

C. 3(½ bh + ab)

D. ½ bh + 3ab

E. bh + 3ab