how is Greggs food & beverages trying or can be international speak about entry strategies are they or can be applied -(import export, turnkey, joint venture, franchising, wholly owned subsidiary/branch, merger & acquisition, etc…)

Greggs food & beverages

3000 word count

Section (1): Appraise the Importance and impact of global trade and globalisation in general.
Speak about the importance of globalisation to business in general,
speak about the impacts of global trade to business in general
speak about the benefits and challenges

Section (1B) Give a background of Greggs food & beverages the company and why you think it can expand abroad.
Speak about the type off business Greggs food & beverages is,
speak about the operational revenue profit/loss
ROI for the past 3 years
the population size, consumption pattern, etc….

Section (2) Relating to Greggs food & beverages company contrast at least two international markets in two different countries – compare them in detail using P.E.S.T.L.E and Porter’s five forces model, this is applicable to the international market ( the two countries you picked needs to expand to:
Discuss general overview of the two markets/countries of choice.
Try and specify if the industry in which your company is intending to expand into is growing or shrinking. Support this with stats such as GDP contribution in the industry.
Income Tax Rate of the Country
The population size, Consumption pattern, etc…
(use relevent framework/ theories/models to do the analyses)

Section (3): Internationalisation- how is Greggs food & beverages trying or can be international
speak about entry strategies are they or can be applied -(import export, turnkey, joint venture, franchising, wholly owned subsidiary/branch, merger & acquisition, etc…)

ANSOFF matrix _ market penetration, product development, market development (most relevant to internationalisation – existing product new market) and diversification.

Porter’s generic strategies – cost leadership differentiation cost focus differentiation focus.

Internationalisation Drivers

Section (4) Based on section 2 & 3 what are the findings, what strategies would suit them, what are the practical issues and solutions, for example currency issues etc…
make a recommendation


Reference list