Write a theoretical perspective section for your research plan following the script for a quantitative theory discussion presented in this chapter.

Writing Exercises
1. Write a theoretical perspective section for your research plan following the script for a quantitative theory discussion presented in this
2. For a quantitative proposal you are planning, draw a visual model of the variables in the theory using the procedures for causal model
design advanced in this chapter.
3. Locate qualitative journal articles that

(a) use an a priori theory that is modified during the process of research,

(b) generate or develop a theory at the end of the study, and

(c) represent descriptive research without the use of an explicit theoretical model.
4. Locate a mixed methods study that uses a theoretical lens, such as a feminist, ethnic/racial, or class perspective. Identify specifically how
the lens shapes the steps taken in the research process, using Box 3.1 as a guide.