Using a ruler, draw a straight line of best fit through your data points, extrapolating the line until it intersects the (negative) x-axis. Why can you assume a linear relationship (a straight-lined slope)?

1. Use a pencil and graph paper to create a graph of temperature and volume data. Place temperature on the x-axis (in Kelvin) and volume (mL) on the y-axis. Leave room on the left side of your chart for temperature val
ues below zero. You can also use a graphing program to create your graph.

2. What happened to the volume of gas when the syringe was exposed to various temperature conditions? Using
the concepts explored in the Introduction, describe why this occurred, keeping in mind the definition of temperature.
3. Using a ruler, draw a straight line of best fit through your data points, extrapolating the line until it intersects
the (negative) x-axis. Why can you assume a linear relationship (a straight-lined slope)?
4. At what temperature does your line intersect the x-axis? What volume corresponds to this temperature?