Using the specific heat of water (4.184 J/g °C), calculate how much heat flowed into the water?

1. Why is ΔTmetal < 0?
Why is ΔTwater > 0 ?
A metal sample weighing 43.5 g and at a temperature of 100.0 °C was placed in 39.9 g of water in a calorimeter at
25.1 °C. At equilibrium the temperature of the water and metal was 33.5 °C.

a. What was
ΔT for the water? (ΔT = Tfinal Tinitial)
b. What was
ΔT for the metal?
c. Using the specific heat of water (4.184 J/g °C), calculate how much heat flowed into the water?

d. Calculate the specific heat of the metal.

What is the average specific heat capacity of the unknown metal in this experiment?
What is the unknown metal? Use Table 1 for reference