Analyze the company you chose and estimate the company’s level of organizational excellence according to the criteria of the Baldridge Award to the best of your ability. In your analysis, include the following

Analyze the company you chose and estimate the company’s level of organizational excellence according to the criteria of the Baldridge Award to the best of your ability. In your analysis, include the following:

A brief description of the company you selected, as well as an explanation of the company’s main product or service offering(s) (75 words, or 1 paragraph)
An assessment for each of the seven categories against the descriptors found on page 15 of the Baldridge Excellence Builder document, along with a description of the company’s performance in that category, being sure to support your assessment with

Prepare a list of 3–5 specific recommendations, each from a different category, for how the company can make improvements based on your analysis. Provide support for your recommendations with references to at least two scholarly sources. (225–375 words, or 3–5 paragraphs)
Note: Your report should adhere to the template provided. Be sure to incorporate properly formatted references to a minimum of four scholarly sources to support your work.