Does the writer engage the reader emotionally & imaginatively through the use of specific examples?

1. Convince your reader that a problem exists.
2. Explain your proposed solution.
3. Offer a justification for the proposed solution. Anticipate and summarize any possible objections to your solution.

(8 pages not including work cited page)
Use MLA guidelines to format the paper and cite your sources.
Refer to a minimum of six outside sources (scholarly books, journals, print/online sources).

Does the research paper follow these criteria below?
LOGOS: Is the reader convinced that the problem is serious? Is sufficient evidence provided? Is the proposed solution supported with reasons & evidence?

PATHOS: Does the writer appeal to readers’ values & interests? Does the writer engage the reader emotionally & imaginatively through the use of specific examples?

ETHOS: Does the writer seem credible and trustworthy? Does the writer acknowledge possible objections or alternative ways to solve the problem?