What products or services does the business provide? Where is it located? Who are the employees? When does it receive most of its customers?

Executive Summary
Write two paragraphs about the business as if describing it to someone who knows nothing about it. For example, what type of business is it? What need or want does it hope to fulfill for consumers?

What prime benefit does it offer?

What products or services does the business provide? Where is it located?

Who are the employees? When does it receive most of its customers?

What’s its marketing budget? Review the examples in Chapter 2 in your textbook.

Strategic Objectives
In this section, you’ll write a broad description in one to two paragraphs of the business’s marketing objectives and the scope of the activities it plans to undertake. What’s the business’s mission?

What goals does the business hope to achieve via marketing? What does the business intend to do to accomplish those goals? Review the examples and case studies in Chapter 2 in your textbook.