What form of project management (basic, program, etc.) does this case most closely resemble?

Flexible Benefits System Implementation at Shah Alam
Medical Center 25

Part I Philosophy and Concepts44
1. What form of project management (basic, program, etc.) does this case most closely resemble?

2. The project manager is also the director of FS, one of several departments that will be affected by the new benefits system.

Does this seem like a good idea?

What are the pros and cons of her being selected?

3. Comment on the team members’ part-time assignment to the project, and the expectation that they give the project top priority.

4. Much of the success of this project depends on the performance of team members who are not employed by Shah Alam, namely the HBS consultants. They must develop the entire hardware/software benefits

Why was an outside firm likely chosen for such an important part of the project?

What difficulties might this pose to the project manager in meeting project goals?