Describe the differences between mental health and mental illness.Performance Criteria

Understanding of Mental Health and Mental Illness

1Describe the differences between mental health and mental illness.Performance Criteria

(a) The explanation of mental health is correct in terms of historical and cultural contexts.

(b) The description of mental illness is accurate in terms of different illnesses and current theory.

(c) The explanation of the effects of different models of understanding of mental health and mental illness on the individual is accurate.OUTCOME

2Describe and explain programmes for mental health.Performance Criteria

(a) The explanation of different programmes designed to recover, improve and maintain mental health is correct.

(b) The description of the roles and responsibilities of different agencies in promoting and providing mental health programmes is accurate.

(c) The evaluation of different mental health programmes is consistent with current commentary and research.OUTCOME

3Describe the effects of mental illness on human behaviour.Performance Criteria

(a) The description of the effects of mental illness is accurate and consistent with the different types of mental illness.

(b) The description of the behavioural responses is accurate and consistent with the different types of mental illness.

(c) The description of the effects of medication is comprehensive in terms of the effects on the behavioural characteristics of the individual.

(d) The description of the effects of therapeutic intervention is comprehensive in terms of the effects on the behavioural characteristics of the individual.

(e) The description of the effects that using different models for mental health have on the treatment of and service provision for individuals experiencing mental illness is valid