Explain the Government of the UK’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of the theory taught in this module and briefly discuss the consequences of this response on the public finances.


Answer the following QUESTIONS:

I) The Covid pandemic and the role of Government [50 marks]

Explain the Government of the UK’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of the theory taught in this module and briefly discuss the consequences of this response on the public finances.

II) Taxation [50 marks]

Discuss the normative principles of taxation. Which one(s) do you find most important? Why?

For each of the 2 question write a 800 word answer to address the firstly the COVID pandemic and the role of the government by answering the question ‘Explain the Government of the UK’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of the theory taught in this module and briefly discuss the consequences of this response on the public finances.’ And then Answer question 2 regarding taxation (Discuss the normative principles of taxation. Which one(s) do you find most important? Why?) using the provided guidance in the Public Economics Exam outline.docx both parts of the essay must be referenced from the provide list or using academic references.