How significant is the cyber threat in your industry and specifically for your organization?

Risk Management is at the very core of effective Project Management.  The path from project planning to project delivery goes through the “mine field” of project risk.  Managing a project = managing the project’s risks.  The purpose of the Phoenix UVA Project case study is to elaborate on, not just the various phases of risk management (identification, evaluation, mitigation, remediation), but also to develop a “systemic view” of risk that begins with broad environmental assessment, then the social, technical, and financial organizational issues, through subsequently narrower perspectives till task risks are understood.
In this discussion board, you will need to absorb the lessons of the Phoenix Project at VUA and then apply them to your organization (Staffing Agency for a school).

How significant is the cyber threat in your industry and specifically for your organization?

What is your management’s posture towards cyber risk?

What are the expertise, experience, and financial considerations involved related to managing cyber risk at your firm?

How does your organization manage the various phases of cyber risk management?

If you are not aware of cyber risk related management in your organization, you should focus your discussion specifically on how project risk is managed in your organization, addressing the same questions as above but applied to projects as opposed to cyber risk.  Another option is discuss how your organization is addressing major operational disruption risks such as hurricanes or supply chain disruptions (since a cyber attack is a significant operational disruption).  The key is to contribute to the discussion in concrete ways by drawing parallels between the Phoenix UVA Project case and your own organization’s efforts in the area of risk management.
Requirement 1: The post should clearly demonstrate your insights into risk management approaches being taken / should be taken by your organization (and not generalities).