Discuss the potential impacts of a warmer climate on aircraft performance and safety.

Experiment 2 – The Effect of Clouds on Atmospheric Temperature
Observations and Data

Summarize the process by which our atmosphere is heated.

Radiation released by the Earth’s surface is eaten or deflected by greenhouse gases found in the Earth’s atmosphere. The temperature of the atmosphere rises because of this process.

Discuss the potential impacts of a warmer climate on aircraft performance and safety.

In a hot climate, air density is low. When the air density is low, airplanes must maintain a higher speed to generate the requisite amount of lift for take-off. Increased aircraft speed needs a longer runway; otherwise, the aircraft may not be able to reach its maximum speed.

Inside the cockpit of a small general aviation aircraft parked on a tarmac on a sunny afternoon, the air temperature can easily reach 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Explain how this can happen.

The Greenhouse Effect can induce an increase in the temperature of the air inside an airplane’s cockpit. Infrared radiation penetrates the plane’s windows, causing the heat to re-radiate and get trapped within. As a result, the temperature in the cockpit has increased significantly.

Develop a few sentences of critical self-reflection on your preparedness to complete this activity.