Do this by selecting one of the Lincoln documents we have for this week and draw connections (similarities, differences, or something else) between it and at least one other text.

This week, we looked at one of the most troubled times in American history—a moment where it was not even clear America as an idea or nation would even continue. In that regard, though we traveled far and wide in our thinking, it is hard to get around the centrality of Abraham Lincoln’s leadership in this era, and for that reason he looms large. To that end, make a claim about an important or otherwise dramatic contribution in Lincoln’s thought:What does he have to say about the project of American democracy?

Do this by selecting one of the Lincoln documents we have for this week and draw connections (similarities, differences, or something else) between it and at least one other text.

In all cases, make sure you are being specific with how you illustrate this claims and these connections by using lots of good evidence from the texts themselves. An excellent answer might, for example, find something in Lincoln’s ideas and juxtapose a document that agrees with him and one that seems to disagree. Don’t forget as you work that the film Glory also constitutes one of our class “texts.”

To complete this assignment, you will craft a synthetic response that addresses a central theme of this week’s module. Your response should