Briefly outline the project goals and highlight 2–3 of the initial priorities to be addressed by the group. Also, explain why they are important.

Leadership and Collaboration

Briefly outline the project goals and highlight 2–3 of the initial priorities to be addressed by the group. Also, explain why they are important.

Explain the composition of the team and why you chose them.
Note that you will not know the exact individuals yet, but assume we will recruit the people with the desired qualities and characteristics that you outline in the presentation.
Consider the following:
Include a group of professionals you believe can help define the problem and ultimately make recommendations on how to address it.
Make sure each member is either trained in, sensitive to, or has experience with the concept of workplace diversity.
Give some thought to having some members from outside the organization.
Provide member profiles: their diversity, qualifications, experience, internal versus external, and so forth.


Explain your role and describe how the committee will work together and achieve effective interprofessional collaboration.
Describe how the group will communicate. How and when they will meet.
Describe how ideas will be shared and decisions made.
Describe roles, group function, and structure.
Describe the basic characteristics of a diverse workplace.

Provide a convincing argument regarding the benefits of a diverse workforce using support from current research.

Create a 6–8 slide presentation in response to the content defined in the above scenario
Presentation Guidelines
Length: 5–7 PowerPoint slides (not including title slide) that would accompany an approximately 5-minute oral presentation.

Notes: Prepare detailed speaker’s notes describing items on each slide so that the viewer can accurately interpret the deeper meanings and intentions that would have been conveyed orally.
Support your claims, arguments, and conclusions with credible evidence from 2–3 current, scholarly or professional sources.

Visuals: Create visuals that are easily read and interpreted. Use colors, fonts, and formatting and other design principles that make the information clear and generally add to the aesthetic of the presentation.