Write a 1000-1200 word critical analysis of one of the following readings:

Choice of argument analysis of Outlined writings attached

Write a 1000-1200 word critical analysis of one of the following readings:

Berlitz, C (1974) The Bermuda Triangle, pp 1-20 Download Berlitz, C (1974) The Bermuda Triangle, pp 1-20
Kolosimo, P (1974) Not of this World, pp 194-217 Download Kolosimo, P (1974) Not of this World, pp 194-217
Velikovsky, I (1950) Worlds in Collision, pp 51-78 Download Velikovsky, I (1950) Worlds in Collision, pp 51-78
Before starting this assignment please review your Essay 1 feedback, including any in-text comments. Don’t forget that if your grade for Essay 2 is the higher of the two grades, it will be applied to both essays.