Choose a concept from your curriculum that can be assessed through a web-based design. For example, asking students to describe the steps of the water cycle.

Web-Based Assessment Assignment Instructions

Choose a concept from your curriculum that can be assessed through a web-based design. For example, asking students to describe the steps of the water cycle.

Then, create a technology based assessment you would show your students as an example of the product they will create. For example, you might allow students to create a stop-motion animation, an Infographic, or comic book of the water cycle. So, you create a stop-motion animation, Infographic, or comic book sample of what you would expect them to develop.

After you have made your sample, create a recording (2-5 minutes) of you explaining your demonstration to your students and showing them how to build their own project. If you are not in a classroom, you may use a screenrecording or record yourself as if you have students.

Submit your video lesson. Ensure you clarify acceptable options for students with special needs. Include a copy of the rubric you would use to grade the project-based assessment