Analyze your selected short story according to one of the following critical approaches:

Analyze your selected short story according to one of the following critical approaches:

(1) mythological/archetypal

(2) feminist

(3) psychoanalytical or

(4) moral/philosophical.


• Brainstorm ways in which the selected critical approach from the list above can be applied to your chosen short story (ex. character, conflict, theme, etc.).

• Create an outline of the essay 5 paragraphs in length.

• An introductory paragraph, 3 body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph are required. Please refer to the course files on writing for the proper organization of an essay.

• 2 point-proof-explanations are required in each body paragraph.

• Complete rough draft(s) with editing in order to ensure your essay meets the criteria of the four categories to be evaluated.

• Proper essay format and formal style are required. Please refer to the course files on formal writing, essay structure, and proper quoting.

• All quotations from the text and any information from outside sources should be cited in parenthetical referencing as well as a works cited page.

• Use proper MLA format.