What could you do to broaden your understanding of both your own culture and other cultures?

Take an inventory of your current level of awareness, knowledge, and skills that have a bearing on your ability to function effectively in multicultural situations by reflecting on these questions. Summarize your reflections with a 750-1000 essay. Use APA format.

1. Are you aware of how your own culture influences the way you think, feel, and act?

2. What could you do to broaden your understanding of both your own culture and other cultures?

3. Are you able to identify your basic assumptions, especially as they apply to diversity and culture, ethnicity, race, gender, class, religion, language, and sexual identity?

4. How are your assumptions likely to affect the manner in which you function as a great counselor?

5. Can you be flexible and applying the techniques you use in your groups, depending on the specific makeup of the membership?

6. How prepared are you to understand and work with individuals from different cultural backgrounds in a group?

7. What life experiences have you had that will help you understand and make contact with group members who have different worldviews from yours?

8. Can you identify any areas of cultural bias or any of your assumptions that could inhibit your ability to work effectively with people who are different from you? If so, what steps might you take to challenge your biases and assumptions?