What type(s) of assessment would be most relevant? Are there symptoms that are NOT evident that would need to be confirmed? Do you suspect the presence of other mental health diagnoses?

ASSESSMENT & DIAGNOSIS: Referring to DSM-5 criteria for the disorder(s) in question, discuss specific symptoms that would lead to a substance use diagnosis in this case.

What type(s) of assessment would be most relevant? Are there symptoms that are NOT evident that would need to be confirmed? Do you suspect the presence of other mental health diagnoses?
CAUSAL FACTORS: What theory or theories might best explain the development of this disorder in this individual?

What factors – Biological, Psychological, Sociocultural – likely played the most significant role in the development of the symptoms as they are presented in the case? Be as specific as possible

TREATMENT: Which treatment modalities offer the most likely help for this client? What specific techniques would be recommended?