Write a report of at least two pages (600 words), giving a review of the performance you attended. If it is a jazz concert, then you must attend the entire performance. If it is a jazz club date, then you must stay for at least one set (or about one hour). The introductory paragraph must contain the following information:

Jazz Performance Report

You must attend a jazz performance during the semester in which you are taking this course. Video or live streaming is not accepted. Date, time location/venue, and a web link to public documentation of the event must be included in the report.
The performance must be jazz. Blues, rock, country, classical, or any other styles of music are not accepted. If you are in doubt of whether or not the performance is jazz, feel free to check with me ahead of time.
The concert must be performed by a group of musicians – at least three in the ensemble, who play different instruments, which may also include vocals. Solo or duo performances are not accepted since there is not enough variety in the instruments used. The performers must be at least at the high school level and preferably beyond. Middle school/junior high-level performances are not accepted.
The report must be authentic, and the facts of the performance, date, time, and venue must be 100% accurate. Any report containing false or misleading information, or that appears to be identical to or based on someone else’s work (plagiarized) is unacceptable and will receive a ZERO. See ACADEMIC INTEGRITY in the syllabus for details.

The Report

Write a report of at least two pages (600 words), giving a review of the performance you attended. If it is a jazz concert, then you must attend the entire performance. If it is a jazz club date, then you must stay for at least one set (or about one hour). The introductory paragraph must contain the following information: