Explain how an unhealthy lifestyle can contribute to childhood obesity

Nutrition and lifestyle exam questions
Define the two determining factors for one’s blood pressure. (5 marks)

Explain the factors that affect the amount of blood that is pumped by heart in one minute, and explain the factors that modulate the ability of arteries to contract and dilate. (15 marks)

Using scientific evidence, critically discuss how diet can influence the risk of hypertension in the general population. Your answer should include dietary factors that decrease and increase the risk of hypertension and mechanisms involved. (20 marks)

Part B
Q1 part b
Explain what factors need to be taken into account when selecting a suitable animal model for a developmental programming study. (10 marks)

Focusing either on hypertension or on kidney disease, explain how the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease may cause or increase the risk of it occurring. Include human and animal studies in your answer. (20 marks)

Q2 Part B
Explain how an unhealthy lifestyle can contribute to childhood obesity. (10 marks)

Will a child living with obesity be at a higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome when they are an adult? Provide research evidence to support your point of view. (20