What is the effect on the audience? What words or phrases

PS4 Article One Outline

Directions: After completing reading the article (and annotating!) take notes on the article in the center
column, and write out each paragraph in complete sentences in the far right column.
Paragraph: Take notes Here
Introduction Paragraph:
Who is the speaker?
What happened to cause the article to happen?
Who is the speaker talking to?
Why did the author write the article?
Can you put that into one word?
What is the article about?
What is the tone the author is using? (Tone word
list here)
What does the author believe?
Does the author state it? Or does the author hint
at it?
4.2.1 – Speaker
4.2.1 Occasion
4.2.1 Audience
4.2.2 Purpose (Why)
4.2.2 Subject (What)
4.2.3 Tone
4.3.1. Identify the argument (claim)
4.3.2. Identify if argument (claim) was explicitly or implicitly
Thesis Statement:
“The author argues , and supports his/her argument with
Body Paragraphs
(See chart at the bottom!)
Find a piece of evidence that the author uses.
What strategy is it?
4.2.4 Identify Rhetorical Appeals/Strategies (see chart at the
4.3.3. Evaluate purpose of the rhetorical strategy.
– What is the effect on the audience? What words or phrases

-Why did the author pick that piece of evidence?

-How would the audience react to the evidence
the author used?
cause this effect?
Topic sentence- Restate TAG and authors
Make a statement about the effectiveness of the
article as a whole.
Explain why the speech/article is important
conclusion sentence
Aspects of rhetoric to discuss as reasons to support an argument