Using your insights from these questions, introduce the ERM framework you have chosen for your company.

Apple ERP Framework

Last week you laid the foundation for your company’s strategic Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) approach by detailing current and ongoing industry-specific challenges and risks your company faces. (this is the apple paper attached)

This week you will identify which of the two common frameworks (COSO or ISO) you will use to create your company’s ERM strategy.

Think about what you have learned this week and use the following questions to guide your decision process:

Use some of the risks and challenges mentioned last week, as well as any company-specific risks you thought of while reading this week’s chapters to explain 3 distinct risks with 3-4 corresponding Key Risk Indicators (KRIs).

Consider the original reason(s) that made you want to create a new or improved ERM strategy for your company. Describe any elements of the risk culture you think can be improved by a new ERM approach and how. What is your company’s new risk culture vision?

Using your insights from these questions, introduce the ERM framework you have chosen for your company. Explain why you chose this framework. Your analysis should address the strengths and limitations of your choice for your specific company and industry. Incorporate insights from your exploration of KPIs and risk culture into your analysis.