Durable Medical Equipment Letter -Identify what specific seating system is needed

Durable Medical Equipment Letter

You will be writing a Durable Medical Equpment (DME) letter for Damon, a 46-year-old male with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). You can review his case on Simucase. You may add fictitious information about Damon in your DME letter to help with supporting details for your WHEELCHAIR recommendations but it does need to make overall sense in the case.

• Identify what specific seating system is needed; bring specific information on the product and be prepared to provide a rationale for the need for this DME and any special features/attachments (e.g., justify the need for a tilt-in-space custom wheelchair and the need for swing-away, removable leg/foot rests). Do NOT consider more than two attachments/special devices or add-ons for the seating system.

Must be written in a business letter format and contain the following:

1. Client name, identifying information, medical diagnoses, and summary of medical history, introduction to the writer

2. Description of the impact of medical conditions on the client’s function/occupational performance

3. Description of the client’s current occupational performance

4. Statement of medical necessity for the DME you are recommending. Specifically identify the seating equipment that is needed (with no more than 2 attachments/add-ons)

5. Clear, explicit justification for the need for this DME (for the seating system as a whole and then for a maximum of 2 attachments), including the ways in which the equipment will be used and will improve or benefit the client’s function/performance. Also, address the impact on the client if this DME is not approved. Be sure to emphasize the medical necessity for this DME.

6. Provide your contact information.