What is an issue that you are interested in doing some research on?What is the history of this issue?

What is an american by crevecoeur

Choose one reading we did in class and analyze the issue the author addresses in the text. Then, research and answer the question: How does the issue still perpetuate in America today? This essay involves a research component, meaning you must do outside research and gather at least 4-5 credible sources. The essay must have a single clear thesis (central claim) and the claim must be supported by factual evidence.
Brainstorming questions to help you get started:
-Which text resonated with you the most? Why?
-Which text did you read where you sat there and thought, “This problem still exists in America!” ?
-What is the author’s stance?
-What is the author’s purpose?
-How is the author addressing the issue?
-What is an issue that you are interested in doing some research on?
-What is the history of this issue?
-Why is the issue continuing to perpetuate today?
-Can you think of any reasonable actions that we could take in order to begin resolving the issue?
-What do you want your readers to learn from you paper?
-How do you want your readers to feel from reading your apper?
The paper must be properly formatted, in standard 12-point font, MLA format. Failure to cite properly may jeopardize your chances of receiving a passing grade. It must be emailed to me as a Word doc or PDF, no later than the due date. Missing the deadline will be penalized a half letter grade per day late.
Minimum of 1500 words