Compare the 3 main underlying causes that led to the chaos and division in 1968 and 2020.

Compare the 3 main underlying causes that led to the chaos and division in 1968 and 2020.

My three topics are the

Election (comparing the 1968 election with the 2020 election)
Black Panthers( comparing the black panther group in 1968 to the BLM activists and protesters in 2020)
Media (television, broadcast, social media) describing how the media helped spread the word to everyone across the country (and about how social media now and influencers in 2020 spread the word about The black activists, etc.)

The paper needs to be 8 paragraphs with

an introduction
the first cause
the comparison to the first cause
the second cause
the comparison to the second cause
the third cause
the comparison to the third cause
and the conclusion