Describe how you would change the work environment to enhance innovation in the workplace and why.


Choose a scenario. Indicate below which one you have chosen.

Note: if you have chosen scenario 4, provide background detailed information on the organisation and their business problem.

Discuss why you have chosen that scenario (example: does it play on your strengths?). Record your discussion below:

Describe and discuss how you would make innovation an integral part of leadership and management activities.

Develop a vision and a mission statement that have innovation at its core.

Draft your initial idea for innovation.

Evaluate the impact of the physical environment in relation to innovation. Address the following:

Describe how you would change the work environment to enhance innovation in the workplace and why.

Describe what resources and equipment you would choose to support innovation and why.

Design a workspace (you could use word to design the layout) that supports innovation and describe your preferred fit out and décor to encourage creative mindsets, collaborative working and the development of workplace relationships.
Note, if you are attaching an additional file, name it BSBINN502_T1_Proposed workspace_Your Name.

Prepare a presentation of your innovative ideas.

The presentation can be developed in your preferred format. It could be in the form of a meeting or in the form of a power point presentation for example. All the documents that you develop for the presentations such as handouts or power points must be submitted with this assessment as evidence of competency.
You should name the additional documents: BSBINN502_T1_ Presentation_Your Name.
The presentation must cover the following points:
Vision and mission statement
Strategic objectives of your innovative plan (include data if you wish)
Reinforcement of the value of innovation in the organisation
Main innovative ideas
Initial risks
Proposed workspace