What are the specific qualitative validity or reliability considerations involved in grounded theory research? And how will you address identified concerns as they relate to qualitative validity and/or reliability here?

The competitive relationship between African Americans and Latinos.

Can you elaborate on what you mean by “types of incidents” in your purpose statement? Need to define your focal constructs in the statement.
Also, why is it important to study these types of incidents between Latino and Black groups in the U.S.? How would studying these incidents add to our current understanding of the broader social conflict between these two communities in the U.S.?
The identified gaps and limitations should directly inform and support your research questions. Need to revise your discussion of gaps and limitations to make sure they lead logically to your research questions. E.g., one of your gaps stated that existing research did not address long-term consequences resulting from the Black-Latino conflict–will your study address this specific gap then? If not, then this gap should not be discussed here.

Also, make sure your research questions are focused on adding to our current understanding of the problem, and not re-examining what has already been known. E.g., your problem statement already noted established reasons that explain why the Black-Latino conflict exists, so why ask a research question about factors that create conflict between these two groups?

Your outline on the methodological aspects of your proposed research needs to be developed more fully. Why use grounded theory in this research? Who will you interview and how many participants? And what existing data sources will you use as documentation or archival data to add to your analysis?
Your discussion of strengths and weaknesses needs to be focused on validity and/or reliability considerations involved in this proposed research. What are the specific qualitative validity or reliability considerations involved in grounded theory research? And how will you address identified concerns as they relate to qualitative validity and/or reliability here?