Consider how the person acts when confronted, minorities who expect to be labeled deviant may act defiant and/or guilty and hence their performance (Erving Goffman’s Theory) may contribute to the perception they are deviant and fitting that role/label, while a rich and powerful family member might act surprised or remorseful, leading to the attribution of an external cause to the behavior, or lack of intent, making it seem less deviant.

Based on how Fritz Heider’s attribution theory can contribute to the perception of juvenile delinquency and deviance, and whether it is an external cause of exceptional circumstances or a dispositional property of a person. Also, consider how the person acts when confronted, minorities who expect to be labeled deviant may act defiant and/or guilty and hence their performance (Erving Goffman’s Theory) may contribute to the perception they are deviant and fitting that role/label, while a rich and powerful family member might act surprised or remorseful, leading to the attribution of an external cause to the behavior, or lack of intent, making it seem less deviant.