How will you contribute to address some of these issues and solutions in your future professional activities?

Review the perspectives below, along with the Week 8 readings on Poverty and Infectious Diseases. For your faith integration reflection, choose one or two of the resources to focus on. Consider the issues of spirituality, poverty, equity, and infectious diseases in public health. Reflect on what lessons you have learned in this course on how these perspectives and issues are related?

How will you contribute to address some of these issues and solutions in your future professional activities?

Provided are some various spiritual perspectives (below), but you may choose a spiritual perspective (s) from your own belief system for your reflection.

Requirement: Length 350 words; References APA style;

Christianity: Heeding the Call of the Poor:
Buddhism: Reduce the gap between Rich and Poor: Dalai Lama;
Islam: Islamic approach to poverty alleviation
Catholicism: Catholic Social Teaching on Poverty…