Demonstrate a critical understanding of the problems of major investigations and the approaches to deal with them.

A Critical Analysis of the Investigation into the Murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman

You will undertake a 3000 word critique on one significant major investigation selected from seven available case studies. This assignment is due to be submitted via Turnitin, on the Intelligence Led Policing and Major Crime

Demonstrate a critical understanding of the problems of major investigations and the approaches to deal with them.
Understand the strategies and the role of the personnel engaged during major investigations together with the strategic intelligence requirements.
Provide a critical understanding of the techniques and methods utilised within major investigations and intelligence led policing operations

All of the cases below resulted in the murder or manslaughter of the people named. Your case study must be selected from this list.
Victoria Climbié
Damilola Taylor
Stephen Lawrence
Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman (Soham murders)
Sian O’Callaghan and Becky Godden Edwards (Halliwell murders)
Rachel Nickell (The Wimbledon Common murder)
Suffolk Murders – Operation Sumac
Structure of your case study critique:
An Introduction outlining the overall aim of the essay, the objectives to achieve the aim as well as contextualising the case and defining the parameters. Including the parameters is important as you WILL NOT be able to critique the whole case within 3000 words. (Use approximately 10% of your word count around 300 words)
A main discussion section developing clear, well-reasoned and critical arguments as to what you consider to be successful and unsuccessful actions and the impact that they had on the outcome of the case. (Use approximately 80% 0f your word count around 2,400 words).
A succinct conclusion drawing your arguments and ideas together, outlining your overall view of the case indicating any alternative strategies or lines of enquiry. (Use approximately 10% of your word count around 300 words).