Write a managerial report based on this comparison, highlighting clearly what the theoretical background for each model is, why the results are different and what are the limitations of each model.

You are given a forecasted data set for a hotel and you must set yourself in the role of the Revenue Manager of this hotel.

Solve the single resource capacity allocation for each day of the chosen week using EMSR-b. Calculate the suggested allocations per fare class.

Create the revenue optimizing allocation of fare classes for different customers taking into account multiple nights’ stays (network management) using linear programming. Calculate the suggested allocations per fare class.

Compare and contrast the two proposed room allocations with each other by reflecting on the estimated revenues per day and week.

Write a managerial report based on this comparison, highlighting clearly what the theoretical background for each model is, why the results are different and what are the limitations of each model.

Discuss issues related to the trustworthiness of the results and practical application of the results from a managers’ point of view including a justified capacity allocation for the week (and e.g. any comments on length-of-stay restrictions etc.)