What is President Trump’s political position about the right-wing insurrection movements?

Course is Religion and politics!
The instructions are attached and pasted below.
The overarching theme of the paper: What does the January 6th, 2020 insurrection mean to the Black American?

Please incorporate the Dr. King speech “The Other America.” In the speech, Dr. King speaks about white backlash. You must use scholarly and peer-reviewed sources. Attached are 5 sources and there are 3 more.

The Other America Speech Transcript – Martin Luther King Jr.

PS Re ligion and Polit ics W rit ing-Int e nsive Assignme nt Re se arch Pape r
ht t ps:/ / w w w .ne w yorke r.com/ magazine / 20 21 / 0 1/ 2 5 / among-t he-insurre ctionist s

American Insurrection

American Insurrection

• To what degree does January 6, 2021 symbolize the end of American exceptionalism, faith in the
American constitutional system, and a belief in Providence? Conversely, is it plausible that the
storming of the nation’s capital laments the loss of the covenantal relationship between the
nation and Providence? Please explain the selection of the above investigative reports to the best
of your ability.
• Please explain the association between White Christian Identity, lamenting for an imagined
glorious past, and support for the insurgency.
• Explain why Charlottesville, Virginia, is pivotal and significant.
• What factors lead to the storming of the Capitol in Lansing, Michigan, and the threat to kidnap
Governor Whitmer?
• What is President Trump’s political position about the right-wing insurrection movements?
• Please explain why the Proud Boys and Boogaloo movement are pivotal anti-government groups?
• How does the Electoral College Work? What was the Electoral College Vote in Michigan?
• Was the 2020 Election ever certificated?
• Please provide a chart showing the percentage differences between Republicans and Democrats
about whether or not Biden or Trump won the election.
• Please provide a chart showing the percentage differences between Trump and Biden supporters
that agree with the statement that January 6 was an insurrection.
• The End of the American Dream?