Identify two reasons that y ounger adults often leave rural areas and their elder parents behind.Is population aging occurring in just a few developed countries like Japan, Italy, and the United States, or is it a phenomenon that is more widespread? Explain.

1. Is population aging occurring in just a few developed countries like Japan, Italy, and the United States, or is it a phenomenon that is more widespread? Explain.
2. What two main factors contribute to population aging?
3. Name two countries where the proportion of older adults (e.g., 65 years and older) is among the highest in the world.
4. What kinds of families tend to live in multigenerational households? Consider ethnicity, culture, and economic factors when formulating your answer.
5. List three types of concerns that older immigrants generally have compared to native-born elders.
6. According to modernization theory, what challenges might older adults from traditional societies find after immigrating to a modern, urban society?
7. What would be an example of an organization that serves older adults from a culturally competent perspective?
8. What are the reasons that an elder might  choose to live in an ethnic enclave like Chinatown in any major city rather than live with their adult children in a larger home in the suburbs?
9. Identify two reasons that  younger adults often leave rural areas and their elder parents behind.
10. What problems might an elder refugee face if she does not have English-language proficiency or economic stability in a new country?