historical review of heatwaves in the US, review of what happened in 2021, and discussion of how FEMA does not consider heatwaves to be a disaster. From there, focus on how FEMA and local emergency managers can prepare, respond, and recover from future heatwave events.

Case Study of 2021 Heat Dome and future implications

Interested in a Masters Capstone paper for an Emergency Management degree. The formatting should be competed in Chicago style author date format and be 7,500 words or 28 pages.

The paper is a case study of the 2021 Heatwave in the Pacific Northwest and implications for for FEMA and emergency managers. Would like a historical review of heatwaves in the US, review of what happened in 2021, and discussion of how FEMA does not consider heatwaves to be a disaster. From there, focus on how FEMA and local emergency managers can prepare, respond, and recover from future heatwave events.