Explained the key interests of each stake holder related to case outcomes


The purpose of this assignment is for you to more systematically connect whether or not different managers and subordinates used their sources of power to achieve a desired outcome. Drawing on four different cases that have been discussed in class, identify one person who can be assigned to each box in the grid below.

Used power to achieve desired outcome-Used power but did not achieve desired outcome-Chose not to use a particular source of power but achieved a desired outcome.-Failed to use a particular source of power that might have resulted in the desired outcome.–

For each stakeholder identified above:
1. Explain the specific interests (ends) related to the central problem of the case
2. Identify a sources of power that was/was not used to guide actions
3. Analyze the impact of the choice to use/not use a particular source of power on the case outcome

• Explained the key interests of each stake holder related to case outcomes
• Identified the source of power that was used/ignored by each stakeholder and its relevance to achieving a desired outcome
• Explained how the choice to use/not the source of power impacted the outcome