Synthesize and apply related concepts from Modules 2 and 3 to explain why. on a given summer day. a regional airfield located near sea level along the central California coastline is more likely to have both smaller changes in temperature over the course of the day.

Question Set B: Mather Applications in Aviation
Synthesize and apply related concepts from Modules 2 and 3 to explain why. on a given summer day. a regional airfield located near sea level along the central California coastline is more likely to have both smaller changes in temperature over the course of the day. and greater chances for low cloud ceilings and low visibility conditions. compared to a regional airfield located in the lee of California’s Sierra Nevada mountain range at elevation 4500 feet.

A general aviation aircraft miraculously lands safely at a regional airport with a cracked windshield and significant damage to the leading edges of the wings. The pilot stated that severe turbulence. strong downdrafts. heavy rain. and low visibility were encountered while passing beneath the base of a large cloud on approach to landing. Synthesizing and applying related concepts from Module 3. a) name the type of cloud the aircraft likely encountered. and b) support your answer for the cloud type by explaining the reasoning behind the aircraft damage and pilot landing experience described in the scenario.

Synthesize and apply related concepts from Modules 2 and 3 to explain why using a weather satellite infrared image would be best for determining the presence of fog and/or low clouds at an airfield.
Synthesize and apply related concepts from Modules 2 and 3 to

a) explain how jet condensation trails form. and

b) discuss the factors that affect their duration once formed (i.e.. whether they will be short- or long-lived).