Explain why the environment created by the other spheres helps the specific local plants survive. Compare this information to another city away from the southwest United States desert.

Describe the conditions, interactions, and processes of energy and the spheres (i.e., litho-, atmo-, bio-, and hydro-) in Victorville, CA, USA.
Name the tectonic plates that Victorville exists on, the plate boundaries that create nearby lithosphere features, and those features themselves.
Talk about the energy conditions (i.e., an excess, deficit, or good balance).

Explain how the atmosphere (i.e., 3-cell system) is working to create or maintain an energy balance (i.e., transport energy away/towards/both).
Mention the hydrosphere conditions that result from the 3-cell system.

Describe the natural, local biosphere (specifically trees/cacti out in nature, not a human-made cityscape). A picture here would be great (it does not count towards the page count).

Explain why the environment created by the other spheres helps the specific local plants survive.

Compare this information to another city away from the southwest United States desert.

This should be a 2-page write-up (at least 2 full pages; not more than 3 pages; title, name, etc. do not count for the page count) with 12-pt font, double spaced, and 1-inch margins.