What is the title and accession number of this group of proteins?

Go to Inter ProScan (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/) and scan the protein sequence. Find the link that corresponds to the PRINTS database and open the PR link.
What is the title and accession number of this group of proteins?

These proteins account for how much of the dry weight of the cell wall?

Does the species in part A have cell walls?

Based on your answer, do you believe that the prediction is correct?

Go back to the InterProScan results. Click the link beginning with PF. What role does it play?

WASP proteins help control the polymerization of what cytoskeletal protein?
With what syndrome is the domain associated?
Click the Machesky and Insall 1998 literature reference in the Pfam summary. The Arp2/3 complex helps drive the formation of what cellular features?