) Personal DNA Update. What’s new in Direct-to-Consumer Personal DNA testing?

1) Personal DNA Update. What’s new in Direct-to-Consumer Personal DNA testing? Do some research and share what you found out. Try to find some useful information that could help a person decide if Personal DNA testing is a good idea. A single source is fine; just sum it up briefly using your own personal style. To find a credible source, use ScienceDaily (Links to an external site.) or the Journalism sources (newspapers, magazines) shared in the Research-Based Writing Guide (https://goo.gl/VYyJas (Links to an external site.)). Quote properly or summarize and hyperlink to your source.

For the rest of the Post, research based information is not expected or required, you can respond using background gained from the videos and radio story coupled with your own personal concerns or experiences.

2) Personal DNA Benefits. In a paragraph, describe at least two important reasons why you personally WOULD or MIGHT want to have a personal DNA test done. Is there a family health issue you are concerned about? (Use best judgment in deciding how much to share). Is there another question such a test could help you answer for yourself or for your offspring?

3) Personal DNA Risks or Drawbacks. In a third paragraph, describe at least two important reasons that you personally WOULD NOT or MIGHT NOT want to have a personal DNA test done. What are some of your major concerns? Would you want to limit your information about specific issues?

4) In a final short paragraph, Answer the question: if you had to decide right now, would you have a free test and analysis of your SNPs? If you would accept a free test, what would you want to know based on the results? Explain your choice; what were the most important factors in your decision?