Identify and describe economic factors that are contributing to the social welfare problem. Explain how these economic factors can impact policy responses to the problem.

social work policy

1. Identify and describe economic factors that are contributing to the social welfare problem. Explain how these economic factors can impact policy responses to the problem.
2. Overview Public opinion/social context on the social welfare issue and bill by providing answers to these questions:
a. How does the general public perceive the issue?
b. How is it framed in the media?
c. What are people saying about the issue and policy responses to it?
d. Are there any advocacy positions or efforts for or against for the bill?

3. Describe current programs and services intended to address the social welfare problem. Explain how the bill, if passed, will address the social welfare issue.
4. Describe the impact on the social work profession if the bill is passed.
5. Identify potential negative consequences of the bill being passed (state comparisons are helpful).
6. Apply ecological systems theory. Effect of macro system bill (intervention) on:
a. Macro system
b. Mezzo system
c. Micro system
Policy Recommendations (3-4 pages)
Describe policy alternatives and your formal proposal for change.
1. Describe the specific bill or policy change you believe will solve the issue you have defined.
2. Overview policy alternatives that could better achieve the intended outcome. For example, what have other states/locations done?
3. Describe the intended impact(s) for affected individuals and communities of your proposed solution. 4. Make a case that supports your proposed solution as the best option, despite the alternatives (be sure your proposal is economically sound given very limited state dollars).
5. Explain how social work values are embodied in your proposed policy solution.
the bolded words did not transfer so I will explain the titles and subtitles of the paragraphs you will need to start with the contextual Analysis
you will need to start with the contextual Analysis 6-7 pages
then you will describe the current social, political, economicical and ideological context of questions 1-6 with the following subtitles:
economic factors that are contributing ti the social welfare problem
2. Overview Public opinion/ social context
3. Current programs and services
4. Impact on the social work profession
5. Potential negative consequences
6. Macro System, Mezzo System, and Micro System

Public Recommendation (bolded heading) 3-4 pages
1. specific bill or policy change
2. Overview policy alternatives
3. Intended impact(s) for affected individuals and communities
4. proposed solution
5. Social work values