A fire hydrant referred to as a “Corey” style would be what type?

1. A fire hydrant referred to as a “Corey” style would be what type?
a. flushing

b. wet barrel

c. dry barrel

d. none of the above

2. What is a name for the base or buried portion of a hydrant?

a. bonnet

b. cap

c. nozzle

d. buryEl

3. Which is not an approved use of a fire hydrant?

a. dust control

b. fighting fires

c. cooling the public during heat waves

d. flushing sewers

4. Which of the following is an advantage of a drybarrel hydrant?

a. water is easily withdrawn by opening an operating nut

b. water will not flow if the hydrant gets hit and knocked off its base

c. water will not freeze in the hydrant body

d. both b and c

5. What is a wettop fire hydrant?

a. wet barrel hydrant

b. flushing hydrant

c. dry barrel hydrant

d. all of the above