What were some of the risk factors in Jessie’s life? What do you think threatened her chances most? What were some of the protective factors in Jessie’s life? What do you think helped her chances most?

Case Reflection: Una Muchacha Decente

This is an open reflection of the assigned case study, Una Muchcha Decente (Garrod, 2008). You must read the case/story first. Thinking about the lecture (Agents of Socialization), your own personal experiences, and what we’ve learned about why context matters in child development, please answer at least two of the following questions (each answer should be about 4-5 sentences):

What were some of the risk factors in Jessie’s life? What do you think threatened her chances most?

What were some of the protective factors in Jessie’s life? What do you think helped her chances most?

In what ways is Jessie relatable to you? In what ways is she different?

What factors influenced her socialization?

How do her values and culture play into the story?