Is there a way to accurately detect deception in prolific criminals who have are known to the police?

Forensic Psychology .Detecting Deception

Detecting Deception :Following the arrest of a serial rapist who was previously apprehended by police but lied to them about his whereabouts over the summer of 2019, Netflix has approached you in the early stages of developing a new programme, ‘How to catch a sexual offender’. They have two questions they would like your assistance with responding to:

1. Is there a way to accurately detect deception in prolific criminals who have are known to the police?

2. Are there common misconceptions or misunderstandings about detecting deception which would be worth considering in presenting deception detection to the public in a meaningful way?

Your task is to write an evidence-based report which answers these two questions, aimed at the general Netflix crime viewers and the production team at Netflix who have a limited knowledge of psychological terminology and concepts, and who also want to portray this to the public. You therefore need to write clearly and concisely. Your report should explore the literature around the relevant aspects of detection of deception. In addressing the first question, you should critically summarise and make recommendations about the extent to which the approaches, techniques or tools that your report covers are appropriate for the detection context outline in an accessible and digestible format. To achieve a good balance of breadth and depth of coverage, you should aim to write about no more than two techniques, tools or approaches that you think are a best fit to this report request. In addressing the second question, you should discuss common pitfalls or errors in accurately detecting deception, and you should end with a brief strategy that summarizes alternative approaches that could be deployed or utilized.