How and why the interventions is going to make a difference to your patient for the specific acute situation.

Assessment Type Written Assignment- Case Study
This assessment aims to enhance your critical thinking, clinical reasoning skills and prioritisation of patient care.

To write this assessment, you will utilise the clinical reasoning cycle and address the following sections:

1. Patient situation

2. Collect cues

3. Process information

4. Identify critical problems

5. Identify interventions

6. Explain the rationale behind the interventions

7. Detail the outcomes for each intervention

8. Reference List APA 7th Style

Weighting 30%

Length 2500 words +/- 10%. (Note: only the first 2750 words will be marked – this includes in-text references but excludes the reference list).

• FAQ for Assessement One Case Study- Frequently asked questions about the assessment

• NURS3101 Assessment-1 Lecture notes

• NURS3101 – CASE STUDY – WRITTEN ASSESSMENT (please watch this video of my teacher explaining the assessment as it will help you greatly understand the assessment better)

1. Present your patient’s situation.

• Present your patients situation.

2. Collect Cues.

• You need to collect cues in a table format, and go through the A- airway, B- breathing, C- circulation, D- disability, E- exposure, F-fluids and G-glucose as the primary DETECT assessment frame work.

• Make sure everything aligns up perfectly.

• Make sure you have the abnormal cues highlighted.

• Make sure you have the normal physiological ranges provided with intext APA 7th style referencing to support the evidence.

3. Process information.

• Process the information.

• Identify abnormalities.

• Cluster relevant clues together.

• Explain the pathophysiology of what is happening to the patient.

• What is the main underlining problem in the case that you have chosen.

4. Identify 3 high priority problems.

• You will use actual nursing diagnoses.

• You will implement related to and evidenced by.

5. Choose 6 time- critical Nursing/medical interventions.

• Choose nursing interventions that is going to make a difference to your patient during their acute setting.

6. Present the rationale for the interventions.

• How and why the interventions is going to make a difference to your patient for the specific acute situation.

7. Give the expected outcome.

• Data and/ or narrative (observations) of the interventions.

• How do you know if you need to continue, escalate or stop the interventions. You need to follow the data in which you have extrapolated from above.