National Ambulatory and Medical Care Survey: you are required to provide the following descriptive statistics: Mean, Median, and Mode Range, Variance, and Standard Variation

We will continue to work on the “Dataset NHAMCS—National Ambulatory and Medical Care Survey” spreadsheet provided below in order to complete the following exercises. It is a national sample of visits to emergency departments (EDs) in non-institutional general and short-stay hospitals, exclusive of federal, military, and Veterans Administration hospitals, located in the 50 United States and the District of Columbia. Save the dataset on your thumb drive because we will also be using this in the future.

The actual sample comprised over 19,000 ED visits. In this assignment, you are provided with a subset of the survey data (300 ED visits) for the year 2016. Data are obtained on patient characteristics such as age, sex, race, and ethnicity, and visit characteristics such as the patient’s reason for the visit.

For this assignment, using the data analysis Toolpak, you are required to provide the following descriptive statistics:

Mean, Median, and Mode
Range, Variance, and Standard Variation
Download the instruction file (Links to an external site.).
Download the Excel file (Links to an external site.). You have already downloaded this in Week 7.
Complete the assignment in Excel and submit the Excel file. Any questions that ask for explanation can be included in a separate tab within the same Excel file.